“The Goodness Gang” is a project created by TCC in which involves a universe of vegetable/fruit characters to help promote healthy eating. When we first received this project is was a really basic concept with not much artwork background other than a few plush toys that TCC designed and sold to shops. After a lot of time of reworking the designs and after a second project with TCC to create a version 2 we created what you see in the images and videos.
This latest project was quite fun to work on over the time-slot of a few months. In that time I created the garden environment and all the assets unlock-able as you progress throughout the app. As well as that, I also created various environments for the games within app as you unlock them in store. Also in the game it features 14 different characters, all of which we collectively worked on the design process which helped me to model and animate each of the quirky characters.
Role: Character art, Rig and animation. Environment art, props.